Crane operator happy using QuipCheck™

Frequently Asked Questions

The basics

Simple stuff to put you on the right foot.

What is QuipCheck™?

QuipCheck™ is a simple mobile app for completing check sheets that you would normally do on paper. We call these 'electronic check sheets'.

Can I have all my equipment loaded onto the app?

Yes, in-fact, we recommend this. We just need your plant list and they can all be loaded. Putting your fleet on the app eliminates human error and means we can generate reports on your vehicles in the future.

Can I use QuipCheck™ to do prestart checks on my vehicles?

Yes. Using your mobile device, choose your vehicle and fill in the form. It can be that simple.

What forms can I have on the app?

We can usually put all of the paper forms you are currently using on the QuipCheck™ app. There is normally a fee per form unless you use forms from our library.

Can I take photos with the app?

Yes. You have the ability to take multiple photos with every question, or attach a photo you took earlier from your phone's gallery.

Where do the completed forms go, and how?

Submitted forms are converted to PDF and emailed to the user. With QuipCheck™ entering an email address each time is not needed. PDFs are also be emailed back to the office.

Does the app require mobile data?

Yes. Forms are submitted over the cellular network and fees from your mobile phone provider will apply, however, the app will make use of wifi whenever connected.

Is there a support/help desk?

Yes. Email and we’ll respond to your request within 24 hours.

Some curly questions

We can see your grey matter is starting to churn. Here are some deeper questions...

What happens when my guys are out-of-range?

Submitted forms are saved to its own outbox and sent automatically when the device returns to a coverage area. Therefore, you can expect delays in receiving submitted forms when out-of-range.

What if we don't have vehicles? (we have other types of plant)

No problem. QuipCheck™ is flexible and tailored to suit your exact requirements. It can handle vehicles, plant, assets, equipment, buildings, widgets... it's entirely up to you!

We have lots of plant or a large fleet. How is QuipCheck™ organised?

Your assets are organised logically into groups of type, make, class, brand, location, or as you require. In other words, your fleet list is tailored to work the way you do. The app is smart and offers the last plant used to the user as a quick option for those who operate the same vehicle repeatedly.

What's this I hear about "QR Codes"?

The QuipCheck™ app can generate QR codes which, when affixed to your vehicle, can be scanned/recognised by the app to quickly and accurately select the correct vehicle.

We're way ahead of you... our vehicles already have barcodes! What do you say to that?

No problem. QuipCheck™ can scan those too, and even the rego/RUC labels on the windscreen or barcoded VIN in the engine bay.

Can my drivers see what issues other drivers experienced before them?

Yes, provided that your fleet list is loaded on the app. A list of previous checks can be displayed and issues viewed for the same vehicle. It's as if the user is carrying around a logbook for every piece of plant... in their pocket! This also works great for mechanics and service personnel.

What if we want health & safety forms too? (that don't go with a vehicle)

QuipCheck™ can do this. We call these generic forms and they are listed alongside your fleet list. Whilst health & safety forms (such as hazard reports) are the obvious use for generic forms, our customers have found unique uses such as annual leave requests, referrals and timesheets.

Can I have the forms emailed to the office or other staff?

Yes. With the QuipCheck™ you can have the forms emailed to as many email addresses as you like. You can even have forms emailed to different places depending on the form, and automatically Cc the user's supervisor if required.

What happens to the photos, and where do they go?

Photographs taken with electronic forms are imbedded in the PDF. There will be enough resolution to zoom in using your PDF viewer, or you can save the images for viewing separately. With the QuipCheck™ photos can optionally be sent in the email as separate attachments, or packaged up neatly in their own multi-page PDF (one full size photo per page). This is a great solution for our customers who are still dealing with old-fashioned paper forms and books.

We require our team (or clients) to sign their forms. How does that work?

QuipCheck™ forms have a signature option which can be signed on the touch screen. Each form can have multiple signatures.

Is there a way to view all of my submitted forms?

Yes. With the QuipCheck™ you have access to the QuipCheck™ portal where you can view and access all historical checks. If you are on a corporate network, just check with your IT helpdesk to ensure external links to PDF files are not being blocked.

The technical stuff

Technical jargon for IT professionals and geeks.

Is QuipCheck™ a cloud-based service?

Yes. Encrypted data is sent to and from your mobile device to dedicated servers on the internet.

Where are the QuipCheck™ servers?

Our infrastructure is hosted in Sydney (Australia) with geo-redundant replication into other centres.

How secure is my data?

The team at QuipCheck™ take security seriously. We protect internet communications with Transport Layer Security (TLS) cryptographic protocols. No passwords are stored on the QuipCheck™ servers; URL paths to your completed PDFs are practically unguessable.

Is there an API available?

Whilst not strictly an API, access to your data is available upon request via SQL. This is great for integrating platforms such as PowerBI or your own SQL server. Contact us to discuss this option.

Our parent company is nervous about storing data in the cloud, and our hands are tied. Can you help?

If a push came to a shove (and your hands are truly tied) then there ARE things we can do, for example: you could collect your data using our API and store it yourself on your own super-secure in-house server; once you have your copy we would destroy ours (meaning, of course, the QuipCheck™ portal would not be able to display historical checks).

Our tech guys say we have "firewalls and stuff". How will that affect us?

If the app isn't working on your WiFi, try turning WiFi off and using mobile data instead. If it fixes the problem, there's a chance your internal firewall is preventing things from working.

Just tell your geeeky folk to allow traffic to/from over port 443.

I need Android APKs. Where can I download these?

Easy-peasy. Just go to